Cross Median Hot Spot Analysis

Granting Agency: WisDOT and FHWA

Researchers: David Noyce (PI), Madhav Chitturi, Andrea Bill

Primary Project Objectives

The objective of this research is to map Cross Median Crashes (CMC) in an effort to reduce head-on and CMC by mitigating roadway departure crashes through the installation of median barriers. Year after year this is incorporated within Wisconsin’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). By determining hotspots through evaluating crash reports, recommendations may be made to install median barriers in an effort to reduce severity of roadway departures.


In order to determine cross median hot spots, police crash report forms are analyzed and classified into different categories. This data is evaluated using models to calculate the benefit/cost ratio for installing median barrier at a particular location. Roadway inventory, traffic and crash data were integrated in a GIS framework for this research. That process can then be used to formulate a comprehensive and predictive warrant to specify where median barrier would cost-effectively reduce CMC injuries and fatalities.

Semi truck over median.
