Provided here are metrics and measures results for National Highway System (NHS) performance defined by MAP-21 and the third performance measure rule (PM3). Refer to FHWA’s TPM resources for more background and detail. These results are for calendar years 2017-23 utilizing NPMRDS 3.0 data from the CATT Lab’s RITIS system using INRIX data.
- Level of travel time reliability (LOTTR), the ratio of 80th to 50th percentile travel times, reported separately for interstates and other roads on the NHS. Note the Maximum excludes the Overnight period. These values are calculated for each segment and are used to derive PMT reliabilities
- Truck travel time reliability (TTTR), the ratio of 95th to 50th percentile travel times, provided on interstates statewide.
- Person-delay (Delay), displayed here as total annual hours per mile, exceeding defined thresholds, for all NHS within the Milwaukee urbanized area (MUA). Person-delay is used to calculate peak-hour excessive delay (PHED).
2017-2023 Wisconsin Performance Measure Results
(as of September 5, 2024)
These results are for the calendar years 2017-23 in Wisconsin utilizing the NPMRDS data following FHWA’s PM3 rule methods.
- Travel time data and shapefiles are available via (data agreement and login required)
- State performance dashboard and results are available on the FHWA TPM website.

Performance metrics are displayed in the interactive map (click here or on the map image). Tips including clicking the icon in the upper right for a fullscreen view, and holding down the shift key while dragging a box to quickly zoom to a specific area. Note when toggling to the Maximum value for Delay, the map is displaying the Sum of the AM and PM peaks. Functions vary by device and browser.
Additionally, older interactive versions are available here (link), a static map indicating data availability is here (png), and static metrics maps are available as the following images (jpg): LOTTR-Interstate; TTTR-Interstate; Delay-Interstate; Delay-OtherNHS.
Additional Metrics Visualizations
Update Log
- September 5, 2024: added 2023 final csvs
- February 29, 2024: added 2022 final csvs
- August 26, 2022: added 2021 final csvs
- April 27, 2021: added 2020 final csvs
- August 6, 2020: added 2019 final csvs and reformated webpage
- March 8, 2019: added 2018 final csvs
- February 19, 2019: updated comparison map with 2018 values
- July 18, 2018: added 2018 Q1/Q2 csv files per MPA in table
- May 17, 2018: added reliability measure results per MPA, table and bar chart
- May 7, 2018: implemented new guidance regarding the nhs_pct value for use with the PHED per capita measure; updated the measure result for the Milwaukee area
- May 3, 2018: updated statewide default auto occupancy from 1.69 to 1.67, which slightly lowers the percent reliable measure result for interstates
- April 11, 2018: incorporated newly available January 2017 data; full re-run and all results updated
- March 1, 2018: full re-run to capture February updates to input data; all tables and graphs updated for draft release
- February 27, 2018: update log added; column headers in results tables modified to better align with recent HPMS format guidance; data column descriptions added; monthly plots modified to include additional info
- February 13, 2018: page established; draft results published
Data Column Descriptions
Here are all the columns in the results tables generated by the TOPS Lab. The columns that appear only in the HPMS-specfic format (see FHWA guide here for more detail) are indicated in red font. Abbreviations used throughout include traffic message channel (TMC), national highway system (NHS), level of travel time reliability (LOTTR), truck travel time reliability (TTTR), and peak hour excessive delay (PHED), which is calculated anywhere posted speed limit and volume distributions are available (and officially reported for the Milwaukee adjusted urbanized area).
- tmc (or travel_time_code) – the TMC segment identifier
- year (or year_record) – calendar year
- tt_amp50pct – AM peak 50th %ile travel time
- tt_midd50pct – midday 50th %ile travel time
- tt_pmp50pct – PM peak 50th %ile travel time
- tt_we50pct – weekend 50th %ile travel time
- tt_ovn50pct – overnight 50th %ile travel time
- tt_amp80pct – AM peak 80th %ile travel time
- tt_midd80pct – midday 80th %ile travel time
- tt_pmp80pct – PM peak 80th %ile travel time
- tt_we80pct – weekend 80th %ile travel time
- tt_ovn80pct – overnight 80th %ile travel time
- ttt_amp50pct – AM peak 50th %ile truck travel time
- ttt_midd50pct – midday 50th %ile truck travel time
- ttt_pmp50pct – PM peak 50th %ile truck travel time
- ttt_we50pct – weekend 50th %ile truck travel time
- ttt_ovn50pct – overnight 50th %ile truck travel time
- ttt_amp95pct – AM peak 95th %ile truck travel time
- ttt_midd95pct – midday 95th %ile truck travel time
- ttt_pmp95pct – PM peak 95th %ile truck travel time
- ttt_we95pct – weekend 95th %ile truck travel time
- ttt_ovn95pct – overnight 95th %ile truck travel time
- lottr_amp – AM peak LOTTR
- lottr_midd – midday LOTTR
- lottr_pmp – PM peak LOTTR
- lottr_we – weekend LOTTR
- lottr_ovn – overnight LOTTR
- lottr_max – maximum LOTTR (excludes overnight)
- tttr_amp – AM peak TTTR
- tttr_midd – midday TTTR
- tttr_pmp – PM peak TTTR
- tttr_we – weekend TTTR
- tttr_ovn – overnight TTTR
- tttr_max – maximum TTTR
- exde_amp – AM peak excessive delay
- exde_midd – midday excessive delay
- exde_php – PM peak excessive delay
- exde_we – weekend excessive delay
- exde_ovn – overnight excessive delay
- phed – PHED metric, sum of AM and PM peaks
- obs – count of 15-minute periods with data (max ~ 35k/year), a quality indicator
- tmc_version – the date of the TMC inventory data used for calculations, for record keeping
- road – route number or name
- direction – usually a travel direction, NORTHBOUND, SOUTHBOUND, EASTBOUND, or WESTBOUND, but sometimes longer descriptions
- directionality – 1=NB; 2=SB; 3=EB; 4=WB; 5=other/unknown
- intersection – a cross street or interchange
- state – for Wisconsin this is always WI
- state_code – state FIPS code, which for Wisconsin is 55
- county – there are 71 since there is no NHS in Menominee
- zip – the five-digit zip code
- start_latitude – degrees from equator for TMC start
- start_longitude – degrees from prime meridian for TMC start
- end_latitude – degrees from equator for TMC end
- end_longitude – degrees from prime meridian for TMC end
- miles (or segment_length) – the TMC length in miles
- road_order – a sequencing number in the travel direction
- timezone_name – either America/Chicago or America/Menominee
- tmc_type – P1 is most common (98% of TMCs), P3 indicates a jurisdictional boundary, P4 is a ramp
- country – these are all USA
- tmclinear – an integer that can be helpful for sequencing
- frc – an alternative classification for TMCs
- border_set – for international boundaries, all of Wisconsin’s are N
- f_system – FHWA functional class, 1=interstate, 2=other freeways and expressways, etc.
- urban_code – Census urban area, e.g., Milwaukee=57466, corresponds closely with mpa_cd
- faciltype (or facility_type) – 1=one-way, 2=two-way (used to divided two-way volumes into directional volumes)
- structype – for bridges and other structures, usually zero, less than 1% are bridges
- thrulanes – total through lanes in both travel directions
- route_numb – a signed route number, but only a handful of TMCs in Wisconsin are a number other than zero
- route_sign – code for route signing, 2=interstate, 3=US route, 4=state, 10=other
- route_qual – a qualifier for the route signing, 1=none, 3=business route, 10=other
- altrtename – an alternative route name, e.g., “51N” or “Pilgrim R”
- aadt – average annual daily traffic (AADT) volume, bi-directional
- aadt_singl – AADT for single-unit trucks and buses
- aadt_combi – AADT for larger combination trucks
- nhs – a code for NHS component, 1=typical (99%), 3=port, 4=rail station, 6=bus terminal, 9=ferry terminal
- nhs_pct – percent of TMC designated as NHS
- strhnt_typ – the Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET) type, 0=undefined (85% of TMCs), 1=regular (14%), 2=connector (1%)
- strhnt_pct – percent of TMC on STRAHNET
- truck – part of the National Truck Network, 0=undefined (15% of TMCs), 1=yes (46%), 2=other (39%)
- region – the two-letter code for the five WisDOT regions
- interstate – 0=non-interstate NHS, 1=interstate
- df – directional factor for AADTs, usually the default 0.5, but 1.0 for one-way roads (faciltype=1)
- freeway – a value-added identifier from SEWRPC for identifying non-interstate freeway segments (freeway=1), used for volume distributions
- psl – posted speed limit, distance weighted per TMC, furnished by SEWRPC, otherwise blank
- avoc – average vehicle occupancy for cars
- avob – average vehicle occupancy for buses
- avot – average vehicle occupancy for trucks
- mpa_cd – the three-character code for MPAs, corresponds closely with urban_code
- mpa_nm – the MPA name, e.g., Chippewa-Eau Claire
- uza – an indicator for the Milwaukee adjusted urbanized area, 0=no, 1=yes, needed for delay reporting
- pctc – percent cars
- pctb – percent buses
- pctt – percent trucks
- avo (or occ_fac) – average vehicle occupancy factor, from car/bus/truck occupancies and percents
- dir_aadt – directional AADT volume (aadt x df)
- metric_source – data source, 1=NPMRDS, 2=other
- reliable – if lottr_max is less than 1.5 then the TMC is reliable (reliable=1)
- pmt – annual person miles traveled