Researchers: David Noyce (PI), Andrea Bill, Kelvin Santiago
Primary Project Objectives
This research focuses on State Trunk Highway 164 (STH 164) in Waukesha and Washington counties in the state of Wisconsin; which is a rural principal arterial and a designated truck route. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has identified this section of STH 164 as a major passenger and freight corridor as a part of the Connections 2030 plan. The citizens of Washington County and a County Board Supervisor in a letter written by State Representative Pat Strachota have requested the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) to reduce the posted speed limit on STH 164 from 55 to 45 mph between the intersections of STH 175 and Pleasant Hill Road.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate treatments implemented by WisDOT to reduce the speed and increase safety of the corridor. Treatments implemented by WisDOT included the installation of speed feedback signs (SFS), the use of transverse speed bars (TSB), the use of flashing beacons on a stop-controlled intersection, and the construction of a roundabout. The TOPS Lab monitored the speeds along the corridor for a period of 18 months and the number of crashes for a period of one year to determine if the additions did reduce speed and increase safety over the short and long term.