Researchers: Li-Hong Chiu, Ghazan Khan, Andrea Bill
Primary Project Objectives
The objective of this research is to evaluate the safety performance of various Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) projects completed in Wisconsin in the FY 2010. According to the project locations and scheduled start and completion dates, the TOPS Laboratory developed a process to extract appropriate crashes from the WisDOT crash database for a comprehensive evaluation of HES/HSIP projects in Wisconsin completed in FY 2010.
A total of 28 HSIP projects were completed in Wisconsin during FY 2010. Five years of “before” and one and a half to three years of “after” crash data were retrieved with Fatal, Injury, and Property Damage Only (PDO) crashes being the focus. Roadway inventory, traffic and crash data were integrated in a GIS framework for this research. Moreover, a Benefit-Cost analysis was also performed to provide an economic perspective to the evaluations based on both Before-After and Empirical Bayes analyses.