511 Traveler Information Program

The nationwide 511 Traveler Information Program dates back to July of 2000 with the FCC designation of the three-digit dialing code 5-1-1. The objective is to provide convenient access to real-time, route-specific traveler information including travel times, construction activity, road weather conditions, incidents, emergency alerts, and special event notices. Many states also have deployed a co-branded website, and www.511wi.gov is now the first place to check for current travel conditions in Wisconsin.

In Wisconsin, feasibility planning was completed in 2005, followed by engineering, design, and implementation. A request for information was issued January 2007, followed by a request for proposals in April 2007. The full system went live in December of 2008 and additional minor enhancements are ongoing.

Contact for more Information

Performance Reporting

ITS Architecture


Toll-free back door number: 1-866-511-WISC (9472)